Trans Studio Bali - Experience the First Indoor Theme Park in Bali Indonesia
Trans Studio as one of the indoor theme parks in Indonesia is ready to be your and your family's choice for a safe and comfortable trip. By continuing to comply with several health protocols that must be met by employees and visitors.
Come see our health protocol!
Pre Arrival
Purchase Tickets Online
We suggest buying tickets online to reduce contact with officers and queues for purchases at the counter. Ticket purchases can be at
Check & Take Care of Your Health
We respectfully appeal to those of you who are in an unwell condition to stay at home (don't visit Trans Studio Bali) and take medication.
The latest information on our website & social media
Visit the website or our social media, like Instagram at @transstudio.bali – to get the latest information regarding the implementation of health protocols and other interesting information
On Arrival/on the spot
Body Temperature Measurement
Body temperature measurements will be taken before entering the Trans Studio area. Those of you with a normal body temperature of 36.1 - 37.3 Celsius will be allowed to enter
Vehicle Parking Provisions
If you come to Trans Studio using a private vehicle, please comply with the instructions and directions regarding vehicle parking
Our Health Protocol Information Board
There is an information board for you to understand regarding the implementation of health protocols at Trans Studio
Non-Cash Payment (Cashless)
If you plan to purchase tickets at the Trans Studio Counter, we recommend making non-cash payments
Terms of Use of Musala / Mosque Facilities
We urge you to bring your own prayer/worship equipment, in order to reduce contact with other visitors
Provisions for Keeping Distance / Social Distancing
Keep Your Distance in themepark
We have developed some line arrangements to maintain visitor social distancing inside the themepark
Barrier Screen
We have developed social distancing arrangements during ticket purchasing process by using screens to minimize contact
Hygiene & Disinfection Standard Control
Hand Sanitizer for Visitors
Hand sanitizer is provided in the Trans Studio area which is placed in the shoe changing area, near the rides, and the restaurant area
Hand Washing Place for Visitors
A place to wash hands is provided for customers in the Trans Studio area
Public Area Disinfection
Routinely our staff will clean the Trans Studio area and spray each area and each vehicle with disinfectant liquid
Cleanliness of Toilets & Public Facilities
In order to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19, available bathrooms/toilets are hygienic, clean, dry, odorless and functioning properly, and are cleaned as often as possible after use.
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